AfB social & green IT won the National German Sustainability Award

German sustainability award

Foto: DNP/Frank Fendler


On 4 December 2020, the non-profit IT organization AfB has won the National German Sustainability Award 2021 "for an exemplary combination of environmental protection, social responsibility, development and maintenance of long-term partnerships" in the field of "Society + Justice", thus becoming one of the most sustainable companies in Germany.

AfB won the German Sustainability Award for the first time in 2012, when it was awarded in the field of "the most sustainable future strategy". However, this inclusive renovator of IT equipment did not rest on its laurels, but was constantly improving and developing. AfB has become more specialized in refurbishing and selling of remarketed hardware, betting on inclusion as a social enterprise: 45 percent of its approximately 500 employees are severely disabled. The non-profit IT company thus follows its motto: "Help with used hardware".

"I am incredibly proud," says AfB´s own CEO Daniel Büchle, adding: "Even when we first won the Sustainability Award, one of the highest awards in Germany, it was a huge stimulus for us and contributed to our development in this area. Especially at this time. Many thanks also go to the jury and all 500 employees. "

What is the National German Sustainability Award?

The National German Sustainability Award (Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis) is a national award for excellence in sustainability for business, communities and research. With more than 1,000 applicants, this award is the largest of its kind in Europe. The winners are awarded by the German Foundation for Sustainable Development in cooperation with the federal government, federal organizations (Kommunale Spitzenverbände), business associations, civil society organizations and research institutions.