AfB Slovakia became an official member of Kosice IT Valley

Logo of Košice IT Valley.

Košice IT Valley logo


Meeting of representatives from AfB Slovakia s.r.o. and Košice IT Valley cluster was held on 31. October 2019. The executive of AfB Slovakia Mr. Marek Antoňák together with the director of Kosice IT Valley Mr. Pavel Mirossay and other members of the cluster expressed a strong desire to participate on a proposed future all-round cooperation in the field of IT quality improvement through Social & Green IT. We are glad to announce, that since Thursday 07.11.2019 our company became an official member of Košice IT Valley and thus is ranked among successful companies such as Accenture, Cisco, T-SYSTEMS, and others (for a complete list of current members, see the link below the article). We would like to thank Mr. Mirossay for his trust in our company and look forward to the opportunity to participate in the activities of the Košice IT Valley cluster.

Who is Košice IT Valley?

Kosice IT Valley Cluster was founded in 2007 as a joint initiative of educational institutions, state administration and leading IT companies. The vision is to create regional partnerships of IT companies, educational institutions and regional governments. Currently, it is one of the three certified Cluster Management Excellence Label GOLD Clusters in the field of information and communication technologies in Central Europe. Through its activities, the IT Valley focuses on three priority areas - education, innovation and cooperation, many of which are cross-cutting and combine several areas.

More about Košice IT Valley can be found here.

A complete list of current Kosice IT Valley Cluster members.