Hardware pick-up

AfB employees will pick up unused hardware at the customer’s site using vehicles from the AfB motor pool. The highest possible degree of data security will be guaranteed from the point of the pick-up process taking place by e.g. lockable transport containers and CCTV monitored and access-secured buildings. 

Your advantages

The highest level of data security is our top priority. Your hardware is in safe and professional hands with us – see for yourself.


We pick up your hardware at your site with our own vehicles


Lockable transport containers and video surveillance ensure the highest level of data security and privacy.



Our workflow processes are certified by one of the highest technical standards in the world - TÜV.


You can track your hardware and devices from the moment they are entered into the inventory onwards.

Record entry

Record entry

Every technical detail of each device will be recorded and entered into the Inventory Management System and all customer labels will be removed from the hardware.

Data deletion

Data deletion

Certified data deletion by software from the company Blancco and a subsequent hardware test.


There are costs involved in logistics, warehousing, data deletion, inventorying, testing, cleaning, selling and, where necessary, repairing or recycling of HW. As a social enterprise we have to recover these costs, but are not allowed to turn a profit. Depending on the service life and state of the IT hardware and mobile devices to be picked up, there are three possible models for cooperation with AfB from a monetary point of view:

Very old hardware

Very old hardware

The hardware to be picked up has had a very long service life (e.g. 6 years or longer) or is largely defective. That makes it highly unlikely that we will be able to recover our costs at a later sale of the hardware and so we would have to bill you for our services.

4-5 years old

4-5 years old

The hardware to be picked up has been operational for 4-5 years and is still functional to a large extent: It is likely we can recover our costs from a later sale of the hardware and can offer you a cost-neutral (free) pick-up.

Short service life

Short service life

The used hardware to be picked up has been in service for 4 years or less and is functional to a large extent: It is highly likely we will be able to recover our costs at a later sale of the hardware. In certain cases, we may be able to refund you for your hardware. It is up to you whether you do not want to renounce it with regard to our social activities.

Please bear in mind, that these models serve only as an example. Contact our sales department with respect to your hardware for a more precise statement concerning the appropriate business model for your individual case.

IT hardware tranport by AfB

Pick-up in many European countries

We also pick up hardware from countries, where we have no location.

AfB Locations               Optional HW Pick-up
Slovakia Italy
Germany Czech
Austria Hungary
Switzerland Croatia
France Slovenia

AfB Group is represented in five European countries at the moment. Beyond that we also offer you our services in neighbouring countries. Contact us and we will process your request and find the optimum solution for your company.

Contact - Marketing photo


If you have any questions, just ask us and let us know how we can help!

AfB Slovakia s.r.o.
registrovaný sociálny podnik
Strojárenská 1C 917 02
Trnava Slovakia

Tel.: +421 33 553 2222

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